Welcome to Sko-Die, Inc.

SKO-DIE is an outsource manufacturing specialist located in Morton Grove, Illinois. We specialize in supplying custom steel laminations and heavy gauge metal stampings; supporting manufacturers from initial product development into full production.

Our products are used in a variety of industries and applications – where we excel in providing manufacturing results at all phases of the product life cycle.

If your company demands LEAN manufacturing solutions that:

Simplify Production 
Improve Productivity
Upgrade Product Quality
Reduce Costs

Sko-Die will deliver…………..Trusted Manufacturing Excellence

Sko-Die Okamoto Grind X Precision
Surface Grinder

Latest News

DECEMBER 2022 – Manufacturing Sector 2022 Recap

What a difference a year makes. Closing out our 2022 chapter brings with it a look back at what can only be considered a very interesting year to say the least. At this time last year, the Manufacturing sector was navigating through continued Supply Chain headwinds with respect to material availability and costs, labor availability, and significant challenges in the logistics aspect of the overall manufacturing process. These factors were global in nature and most certainly had a major effect on most domestic manufacturers in some manner.

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JUNE 2022 – Manufacturing Sector Demand and Challenges

With the specter of pandemic shutdowns (hopefully) in the rearview mirror, our domestic Manufacturing sector has experienced an ongoing surge in demand and output. It is reassuring to see that the pre-pandemic conditions of strong demand for manufactured products have weathered the storm and created a post pandemic manufacturing economy that shines optimistic.

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NOVEMBER 2021 – Manufacturing Sector Review

It is often said that the only thing that is constant is change. That could not be truer as we look back at the evolution of circumstances in the Manufacturing sector over the past 24 months. Recall back to October 2019 and the prospects for continued strength for manufacturing as we headed into 2020.

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