232 STEEL – Aluminum Tariff Scope

PRODUCT SCOPE OF THE INVESTIGATION (28, 29) For this report, the product scope covers steel mill products (“steel”) which are defined at the Harmonized System (“HS”) 6-digit level as: 720610 through 721650, 721699 through 730110, 730210, 730240 through 730290, and 730410 through 730690, including any subsequent revisions to these HS codes. The following discontinued HS codes…


DECEMBER 2017 – Year End Review

As we close out 2017 and look back on the year, it is hard to argue that the domestic manufacturing sector has certainly enjoyed a resurgence. Since Q4 2106, the manufacturing sector real output has been steadily gaining ground and is approaching the historic high levels last seen in 2008. It is undeniable that we now live…


OCTOBER 2017 – Separating Policy From Politics

In navigating our current hyper-political world and 24-hour cable news cycles, it is often difficult to separate the politics from the policy. As a manufacturing organization, it is far more important to understand the policies that are being discussed, vetted and implemented than in the politics that often take front stage. Consider a sampling of headlines from…


APRIL 2017 – Manufacturing Market Optimism

In our last edition, we discussed the vibe in the manufacturing world immediately following the Presidential election in November. There was certainly a shift towards optimism in the manufacturing sector with the expectation that a commitment to domestic manufacturing was to be one of the primary policy focus points for the new administration. Fast forward 90…


MARCH 2015 – U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker Announces New Manufacturing Council Members

Sko-Die is a proud member of several industry associations that are committed to the advancement of our industry and a strong overall Manufacturing economy.  The TMA (www.tmaillinois.org) is one such association with which Sko-Die is strongly aligned.  The TMA was in the news recently as one of our fellow association members was named to the US Commerce Department’s…
